Author: Lisa Tollakson, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
The 2017-2018 program year kick off left members and guests with energy, validation, and purpose thanks to an amazing and uplifting presentation by Susie Kelleher, Principal Consultant at Linkage and Richard Leider, founder of Inventure and best selling author including the classics "The Power of Purpose" and "Repacking Your Bags".
"Grow & Give", have a voice that matters, what else is possible, renewal is a life skill, visualization of the U curve (Google it), and the power of being a committed leader were all key takeaways of the engaging presentation.
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About us: HR Executive Forum is designed to guide the strategic practitioner as an individual and as a leader within his or her organization. Regular event presentations seek to build new skills, provoke new ways of thinking, and generate positive outcomes in the professional and personal lives of our members.